Monday, October 14, 2019

A Very Strange thing happened today

I had emptied the Hot Tub because my wife wanted me to change the water in it which we do every month or so to keep it fresh. I use bromide to keep the water clean during the year.

Well. I wasn't able to refill it yesterday because it siphoned out too slowly through the hose. So, this morning I decided to refill it. However, like usual when refilling or draining I often leave the hot tub  lid folded back. But, when I left it about 10 minutes while eating breakfast while it was filling I went back to find a dead California Coastal Squirrel in it which upset me and my wife and our housekeeper a lot. So, we removed it's body from the hot tub and I had to drain the hot tub once again because we don't know if the squirrel was sick or something and had contaminated the new water. So, this became another problem to deal with besides the squirrel drowning in our hot tub. This has never happened before in the 20 years we have now lived here by the way. We have had tree frogs get into treated water with Bromide and the heat of the water and die because they are sensitive to heat and chemicals more but that was 10 or 15 years ago now.

So, this was a very strange experience for all of us.

Then I was blogging this morning and my intuition went off that I should close the lid of the hot tub for some reason right then. So, I went outside and saw the mate of the squirrel that died looking for it's mate. So, I closed up the now draining hot tub again so we didn't have two dead squirrels instead of one.

So, as I said this was a very strange morning, sort of like the Kurds dying from Trump abandoning them in Syria and maybe was symbolic of that.

The one on the bottom is the type that drowned:

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