Saturday, August 25, 2012

Past, Present and Future Lives

It is possible to write about or experience past, present or future lives right now or in the future of this present life you are living. However, the real question is: "How is that useful to you here right now in the present?" If you can't come up with a useful answer I can tell you from personal experience that if your answer is: "I'm only curious." That just isn't enough to be very useful.

However, if you are accessing lifetimes similar to this one where you had or will have similar problems to what you are doing now in your life. Now that might be useful but only if you are very careful.

For example, I was watching a preview of "Les Miserables" which is a Broadway play about the French revolution that will be coming out as a movie around December with Anne Hathaway and several big actors in it. Now, I really wouldn't want to remember living through something like that and being guillotined. But many of you experienced this. And if you had to experience that again by accidentally dredging this up you might go mad from it.

So, I learned as a young person to give a prayer regarding all this. It goes something like this. "Dear God. Please show me what you think would be useful for me to know about my past lives. Amen."

Now the interesting thing about this prayer is that one can have a past life in the future. I didn't know this when I was young because I was trained to think in a linear way. But, as time moved on and I studied more and more about enlightenment I came to realize that both Time and Space are not linear at all and actually the best way to perceive time and space is spherical. Stephen Hawking once put it something like this. "Space is sort of like a planet which is spherical and Time is sort of like a string and a person's experience of that time is the point where the string is touching the sphere of the planet in that given moment. So, every day and moment is slightly different than the last but the planet is still the same planet and time is still time and since we live in a time space continuum, time cannot exist without space and space cannot exist without time. Both are needed for the universe we live in an for time space to exist. So, one human's lifetime is sort of like winding a long string onto a planet or sphere of some sort and present time is the point of the string touching the planet right now.

But, all the strings or lifetimes that you have ever lived or will ever live already exist in space time somewhere. So, to me, enlightenment is experiencing all this at once. However, you have to be very careful of lifetimes where you might have been beheaded or died really horrible or had an awful time your whole life time. So, like I said, unless you have a real need to help you with your present life understanding some aspects of your past lives might be fatal. So, caution is necessary regarding all this.

The way I balance all this is to experience the whole universe and all time and space at once. This gives me great peace all the time I do it. So, since I am experiencing the whole universe that includes all my lifetimes and yours and everyone else's that might be meaningful to me. However, doing this is an experience. It is not intellectual or linear but it is an amazing experience that I believe anyone can have and be at peace if they choose to. It is like living in the heart and mind of God and loving your experience of  being there with God. What the universe actually is might be a surprise to many people.

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