It is extremely important whenever it is possible to give credit to whatever your sources for your quotes are. This gives credit to whoever wrote whatever you are quoting so people can go online to where it was originally written or to the book or magazine or TV show that you are quoting facts from. Sometimes this isn't possible, for example, when you have read 10 or 100 articles about a subject and have become very knowledgeable more than most people on any given subject. But, whenever you are making a direct quote from any known source it is very important to give credit to whatever source you found your information from. This way you cover yourself and cannot be accused of plagarism or be held legally liable for what you are doing. By giving credit where credit is do it makes everyone happy because the source is available for everyone to find where you found that information too. The form I use looks like this:
If I can I copy a word button of an article to my site so I don't lose it. Then I quote the site. Then I recopy the word button as the source of the site after I write "End Quote from:" This way people know I didn't write this article and I give credit and a way for people to trace back to who actually wrote it to begin with. Sometimes I will write a note at the beginning to denote some special knowledge I might have about what will be quoted and sometimes If I have something to say about the subject I will make a comment after I put end quote from: and the word button or URL or page number in a magazine or book or what TV program I got the information from. This keeps everything in order, I cover myself, I cover the reader and I give full credit to whoever wrote it. Everyone benefits in multiple ways as a result.
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
Top 10 Posts This Month
- reprint of: Drones very small to large
- most read articles from KYIV Post
- The ultra-lethal drones of the future | New York Post 2014 article
- Maybe Chapter 4? Adam 2nd Son of the Creator of the Galaxy: "Green. I would like to go visit Jonathan one of my father's incarnations in 1974 on Earth."
- FDA approves new Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna
- Here is a link to what I have written so far in trying to introduce the reader and myself to Chapter 29 or "the History of the Galaxy"
- Chapter 2 "Green Delta 7 travels back in time with 2nd Son (Adam) from "A Journey through Time"
- I was trying to Continue Chapter 4 but the universe I guess wanted me to start Chapter 5 instead
- Chapter 3 of "A Journey Through Time" Chapter's name: "Is the Elaborate PLAN working for Adam (2nd Son)?"
- The following is Chapter 7 (because there will not be a chapter 6) Good to know for readers
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