F-F-F-F-Foolin’: Rock’s Greatest Pranks, Hoaxes, And Outright Lies
By Chris Willman | Stop The Presses! – 4 hours ago
If you can't trust people in the music business, who
can you trust? But not all of them have been Honest Abes over the years.
Some have pulled playful one-time pranks, others obfuscations or
outright hoaxes that have gone on for years. Fans can't be trusted with
the truth, either, as attested to by any number of deathless urban
legends. It's all fodder for an April Fool's Day look at some of rock's
greatest lies:
The Masked Marauders: Dylan, Jagger, Lennon, and McCartney form the worst supergroup of all time. It was the fall of 1969, and not anywhere near April 1, when Rolling Stone ran a fictional review of a fictional album by a fictional band called the Masked Marauders, who were supposed Mick Jagger, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, and possibly George Harrison operating under a pseudonym. The obviously satirical review was written by famed rock critic Greil Marcus, himself using a pseudonym, taking a dig at the "supergroup" phenomenon that was producing acts like Crosby, Stills, and Nash. But it wasn't just rubes who fell for it; some of the musicians' own business associates became angry that their clients were recording and releasing secret projects while under contract. The hoax was taken a step further when Marcus hired some musicians to actually record an album, imitating the supposed participants' voices. Once Warner Bros. released it, it was pretty hard not to get the joke, with the fake Jagger singing "I Can't Get No Nookie" and the non-Dylan crooning "Cow Pie." Perhaps the best gag on the record had Dylan covering Donovan.
The New York Times gets punked on a grunge "lexicon." On Nov. 15, 1992, the Times weighed in on the phenomenon that had crossed over from Seattle to the entire nation with an article by Rick Marin titled "Grunge: A Success Story." Unfortunately, Marin made the mistake of trusting an employee at Sub Pop Records to provide him with a list of grunge slang, which ran as a sidebar to the main story. Amazingly, it is still online on the Times' website, with no correction or other notation that the paper of record had the flannel shirt pulled over its eyes. Among the insider terminology credited to Sub Pop's Megan Jasper (you just can't trust those Megs!): "lamestain" means "uncool person"... "cob nobbler" means "loser"... and "swingin' on the flippity-flop" is grunge-speak for "hanging out."
Keith Richards' bloodstream is made up of someone else's blood plus his father's ashes. Richards is not above having a good laugh at the expense of a gullible rock press. In the early '70s, he went to Switzerland to deal with his heroin addiction, but rather than tell all, he put the story out that he was engaging in a complete blood transfusion. Decades later, he told NME he'd snorted his late father's ashes. Clearly he was having one over on us all, but when he wrote his memoir, Life, a few years ago, the Stone seemed to want to keep at least a little of the myth alive. Or perhaps he was telling the slightly more reasonable truth when he said that he'd finally gone out to scatter his father's ashes under a tree and, when "I took the lid off of the box, a fine spray of his ashes blew out on to the table. I couldn’t just brush him off so I wiped my finger over it and snorted the residue.”
A fake Fleetwood Mac goes on tour with an all-ringer lineup. It's hard keeping track of some of the transitions in the FM lineup over the years, but there was one version of the band that had no overlap with any other edition of Fleetwood Mac. You can thank former manager Clifford Davis for that, although some have continued to believe that Mick Fleetwood was somehow involved in the ruse. Guitarist Bob Weston had been fired from the group for getting involved with Fleetwood's wife, so the band canceled the tour. But, as Bob Welch recalled it, Davis sent them a letter saying that he "was not going down because of the whims of irresponsible musicians" and that he would be sending a "star-quality, headline act" out on the road, which they could either choose to be part of or not. Much to the real band's disbelief, a faux Mac was sent out on tour, to the outrage of thousands of fans demanding their money back... as well as the indifference of about as many attendees too wacked out to tell the difference. Some of the musicians recruited for the fake group eventually went on to form a real band called Stretch, and they addressed the controversy in a single called "Why Did You Do It."
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