Monday, November 11, 2013

280,000 visits to intuitivefred888

It has been incredible for me to watch my readership grow of my blog site worldwide. Some months are over 19,000 visits which makes it incredible to watch the stats and what people are interested in reading by the number of visits to a specific blog article.

I think if you start a blog in whatever you are interested in and then watch what people like to read that you put there, if you give them more in the subjects they are interested in and if you are interested too while doing that then you can help others while also helping and enlightening yourselves at the same time.

Sharing about what you think is important in the world usually helps everyone interested in similar things. By sharing what we think and feel is important we all make the world a better place to live in for everyone. I want to thank all my readers worldwide for visiting my blogsite and sharing the information here provided that I find to quote or write about or both.

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