Monday, November 18, 2013

Oculus Rift: puts the gamer inside the game?

begin quote from: Time magazine with kennedy and wife on the cover in Dallas, 1963:
page 74 begin quote;
The Oculus Rift is a virtual-reality headset that enables users to experience games as immense three dimensional environments--basically it puts you inside the game. By improving the head tracking feature, creating a widefield of view and keeping the price point low, the Oculus Rift could be the the device that makes home VR(virtual reality) a reality. end quote from page 74.

My thought is that this could be dangerous for some people either because of being so immersed in something not real or causing actual psychological problems for someone using this device.

My reasoning is that often a human mind makes no real distinction from what it sees and reality. For example, it is said that if you die in a dream you may die in real life. However, the other side of this is I have died in my dreams and have had my head cut off and my body blown apart in my dreams in a thousand pieces, but I was young enough to likely come close enough to a heart attack without actually reaching one because I was young enough to withstand believing I was being murdered in my dreams when I was 10 to15 years old from being in a dream with Blunt Trauma Epilepsy.

However, for people less healthy both psychologically and/or physically certain experiences might be fatal at any age. So, caution must be given to users of such devices. Also, the real world likely would become much less real to these people using this device especially if they did this frequently. So, in this case people might become disconnected from physical and normal psychological reality and become more dysfunctional in their everyday lives. However, we are all free will beings so it is obvious that some would use these devices to excess and die or become psychologically confused in more or less permanent ways.

So, caution while using these devices (especially as they become more technologically perfect) just like we make certain drugs illegal and don't let children legally consume alcohol these kinds of devices must also be studied for long term effects on especially children under the age of 18 worldwide.

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