Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Last week I went to see a urologist for the first time. He consulted with my wife and I and we made an appointment to take a laser light camera up my urethra into my bladder. I was prepared for some big operation like when you do a colonoscopy so I wasn't prepared for just how quick and fast this whole procedure is to stick a camera up through your urethra through your prostate and into your bladder. The nurse had told me when she was installing numbing fluid up the first few inches of my urethra. I asked her if this stuff was going all the way up into my bladder and she said "Yes" and I asked if this was safe to do and she said "Yes". Also, the doctor gave me an antibiotic "Cipro" to make sure no problems would arise from all this.

He gave me a clean bill of health and said to watch out for feeling like I had to urinate when I didn't really have to and some pain in urination for a day or so and to watch out for any pink urine from any blood. But, basically, I'm pretty amazed what doctors can with these flexible scopes with lasers and video cameras. It was pretty strange looking up at my own urethra and watching the TV while the scope went up through my prostate and watching the inside of my bladder. It isn't every day you get to make this "Fantastic Voyage" inside your own body and find out everything is okay. So, other than having two people I haven't met before a week or so ago send a robotic laser guided tube up my urethra through my prostate and into my bladder and back everything is fine.

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