Friday, April 25, 2014

Heavy downpour of Rain on Northern California Coast

I woke up this morning to about 1/2 inch of rain in my dogs' food dishes outside. Then it stopped raining for a while so I got out my weed eater to knock down the weeds in the back yard before it started raining again. Then just after I stopped and was trying to get my blower going it came down in a real downpour. When I went online to check the live radar of the area I could see we were getting nailed pretty hard as well as several other areas in the Bay Area. There is snow coming down in the Sierras too from this storm. Since the drops were very big it likely isn't from the Arctic but a Pineapple Express which is a warmer storm from the vicinity of Hawaii and the tropics. However, big drops of rain often contribute to flooding because so much comes down at one time.

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