Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Animals, birds, insects might carry ebola too.

I don't think you are ever going to get ebola from a fish. However, you likely could get it from a dog that someone who has ebola just petted. So, from now on into the foreseeable future petting strays might not be the best idea. Even if your own dog gets loose and wanders you might want to wash him or her while wearing rubber gloves on. Also, this could be true of cats or birds who are pets as well.

I don't think everyone needs to get rid of their pets or anything like that. But, you can be sure when human carcasses are rolled in or worse by dogs and cats in Liberia they likely are spreading Ebola too if anyone pets them within the next 2 weeks or so. Since the health care system is overwhelmed most people with Ebola are either dying at home or alone in the streets and aren't buried because the people who bury the dead also can get Ebola too. So, pets that roll in the dead before they are discovered by police, firemen or health care workers are likely also spreading the disease along with the backs of taxis driving Ebola sufferers to the hospital there as well.

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