Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Troubled World

I don't think the world has felt this troubled since the 2004 Tsunami caused by an earthquake that killed about 250,000 people in one fell swoop.

Everyone can feel it now and it resembles a lot what my parents and grandparents told me about the late 1930s just before World War II began.

It is sort of like, "Something has got to give".

What likely will give first is "Partisanship" here in the U.S. and around the world.

IF that doesn't give then all is lost for all of us.

We have to pull together as one country and as one nation and as NATO if there is to be anything left.

This is the reality we all are facing today.

It isn't just ISIL. It isn't just the 5000 who have already died of Ebola this year already. It isn't just the 200,000 that have died in Syria alone before the U.S. started bombing there in addition to Iraq to end ISIL. It isn't just Putin trying to start his own "World Order" like Stalin and Lenin before him.

It is all of this at once. And I can't help but feel my heart in my throat for all of us. Every single one of us.

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