Monday, December 1, 2014

As the problem of Ferguson Grows Nationwide

Darren Wilson's Testimony

I had to go to to find part of the testimony of Darren Wilson to better understand what the Grand Jury there actually heard. Then also people don't know enough about the laws in which they were restricted by that are basic "Self Defense" laws.

So, what people aren't being informed of is that there was no other conclusion that the Grand Jury could come to rather than what they did.

Was this right?

Brown shouldn't have been shot being an unarmed man. However, he was also using his body as a weapon so the officer was threatened also.

So, legally Officer Wilson is free and likely will remain so.

However, the bigger question might be: "Was Officer Wilson properly trained for this particular type of situation?"

The answer likely is "No!"

He likely needed to call for backup before he approached Brown.

Likely Brown would not have died if Officer Wilson had waited for backup. However, Brown might have run away too.

And the problem was he just robbed a convenience store and intimidated people there. And Officer Wilson saw the Cigarillos he had stolen there.

Should he have been shot for this? No.

But, Should Brown have tried to harm the police officer. No.

Did Brown have any respect for Officer Wilson. No.

Was he on drugs? Unknown.

Is Brown now dead. Yes.

The laws in Missouri need to change along with the training of police officers. They also need to carry cameras and microphones so both police and potential offenders realize whatever is going on will be filmed.

Even though film might not catch all things going on around the people or inside the people, still it helps keep everyone be more honest and helps the public understand more what was happening right then.

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