Monday, December 15, 2014


Healing is important in all our lives. There is a story in "Mutant Message Down Under" that I was very impressed by. When the Lady Accupuncturist from the U.S. goes to Australia and eventually goes Walkabout with an Aboriginal tribe in the Wilderness at one point one of the Scouts or guides falls and gets a compound fracture of one of his legs when he accidentally falls off a small cliff or something like that.

Old School, the tribe after the Medicine man leading them and setting the compound fracture all touches and heals the man's compound fracture within 1/2 hour to 1 hour of holding and touching the fracture (all of them as one) to the point where the man can walk again on the compound fracture so he isn't laid up for weeks or months. However, to successfully do something like this one would have to first be in a cultural mindset where this was possible to all in the group and then they must all join in consciousness and focus all their healing capacities on this compound fracture by seeing it knit together as bone in the man's leg.

So, this is or was possible in Tribal units in the past and is still possible today if people are in the right state of consciousness. But, you likely need somewhere between 25 and 50 people all synched together in soul, body and mind with God and the Universe to pull something like this off today.

However, it is still possible just like it always was. By God's Grace.

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