Saturday, January 10, 2015

If Terror cells are being activated in France?

I started thinking about this today. France, because of a variety of reasons could be the most vulnerable of the democracies in Europe to terror cells for a variety of reasons. I wrote about one of those reasons within the last 24 hours in that Paris is one of the safest cities on earth for children to safely go to school or anywhere because of the Paris Police. They often ride buses alone or with friends from very young ages. This now is in question.

However, if terror cells are activated and start shooting police this isn't going to be good for any free world nation.

And further than that, even here in the U.S. with the whole Ferguson thing going on with people demonstrating, what if someone who is black and just shooting police because he feels they have wronged him is mistaken for a terrorist cell?

This could be very problematic in the short and long run of all this for the U.S. too.

So, it isn't just a problem for France and possibly England and other EU nations, it is a potential problem for the U.S. too as it could get very confusing in this next year and that wouldn't be helpful to Any Democracies or to the free world.

This also may sound like an odd thought too but Russia wants to control Europe and to take revenge on Europe for sanctions. So, since Russia wants back the territory it had under the Soviet Union once again, why wouldn't Russia hire Islamist mercenaries to destabilize European democracies?

After all, his goal so far is to give millions to far right neo Nazi groups in Europe (he is already doing this) to destabilize Euro countries already. Why wouldn't he also hire Islamist mercenaries to destabilize Western Democracies as well?

There likely would be no way to prove this but this might be one way to reach his goal of destabilizing democracies to take over Europe during the next 10 to 20 years like Hitler did.

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