Thursday, January 22, 2015

If what you believe doesn't make any sense to you it is useless

You can't just believe things because someone tells you something. If I told you "monkeys fly out of my ass" would you believe me?

If you did I'm not sure I would trust you with anything adult unless you were a child under 8 or 9 years of age and then I would understand.

So, what you believe in has to make sense to you. Otherwise, how can it ever give you real comfort?

So, unless you find ways to test your beliefs maybe believing in some things aren't useful to you.

I remember I decided to imagine a world without God at around 18 or 19, where there was absolutely no point at all to being alive. I let myself experience all the fear and terror that would bring.

And you know what I realized about myself?

I would have to kill myself because I don't choose to stay alive in a world like that.

So, out of compassion for myself and for mankind, I believe in God. But, God to me is sort of like in Star Wars: "May the Force be with you, Luke". Jesus and Saint Germain would be pretty cool Jedi knights don't you think?

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