Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Surviving Syria

This might sound like an awful thing to say. However, it is likely the truth. The way this war has become such a proxy war between Russia (supporting Assad) and Iran (supporting Assad) versus the rest of the world basically, there is a statement that I don't think will be controverted by many people. Basically it is this: "If you want to have your family survive Syria, likely you have to leave Syria in the near or far future. Because Syria is likely to be a complete mess for years to come. NO one is going to put forth the resources to defeat ISIL because it isn't cost efficient with most of the world going into recession. This is just a fact of life.

Even the U.S. if it weren't likely being given something by all the existing Middle East nations that don't want to be put under by ISIL wouldn't be bombing ISIL every day either.

So, for people's families to actually Survive Syria likely they will have to leave Syria. I think this will be even more obvious in the coming months and years.

The Problem regarding ISIL is that there are 1.1 Billion Sunni Muslims, and even though the extremists tend to be only about 10 million to 11 million of them, this is where the ISIL fighters are coming from. And this 10 to 11 million Muslim extremists also support ISIL financially. And, likely this isn't going to change no matter how many Shias, Christians, Yazidis or Sunnis who aren't extremist enough for them are killed by ISIL.

And even though ISIL would like to defeat Assad, they can't because of the support of Russia and Iran. So, instead they are just taking land and creating their caliphate which the world likely will not tolerate.

However, here is the problem. The problem is that if ISIL  can be  a pain in the butt to the whole world long enough, they might become something like North Korea eventually. This likely is the real danger long term. The Sunni World is 1.1 Billion people in the end. So, if 10 to 11 million Sunnis like in the present financially support ISIL and continue to send their sons to fight and die with ISIL, this is going to go on a really long time.

What we are observing now is a phenomenon sort of like Arab Spring that has been directly caused by the persecution of Sunnis in Syria by Assad. And likely as long as Assad is in power Sunnis will send young people into ISIL and finance what they are doing (at least 10 to 11 million of the 1.1 billion of them likely will).

So, because of this ongoing dynamic we might see something like this still going on 20 years from now.

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