Wednesday, February 11, 2015

20,000 foreign fighters to Syria?

This can only be thought of as a phenomenon of our times that so many young men and women are choosing to go to Syria to die there. It can only I believe be seen as a mass suicide of young people who see no way forward for their lives any other way. What will come of this? Likely many failed states in the Middle East. Could something happen like Israel did from the Irgun and others? I don't know, maybe. So, seeing this as a phenomenon with unknown short and long term consequences might be the best. Knowing that at least 10 to 11 million people support ISIS is important too and that their children (ages 15 to 30 or more) are the ones going to Syria and dying there. Where will this all take the world to?


Will this continue for 1 year, 10 years or 100 years?

Unknown at this point.

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