Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Were any of the deaths in the past ten years caused by car hacking?

I had a thought today which might be true. After reading:
I began to think about this a little and realized this might be true. Remember a few years ago when Toyota and other cars were dealing with transmissions stuck and gas pedals malfunctioning? I began to see that this also might be connected to the hacking of cars software and hardware through hacking.

So, what we may have been seeing is a sophisticated way to murder specific people through the hacking of the software on their cars. In fact, this might still be going on.

For example, if you saw an accident where people died where the brakes went on for no apparent reason and people died or where accelerator pedals went to the floor and people died this might be a cause for a larger investigation of anything that happened unusual since software and hardware that can be hacked was introduced into cars.

Though this wouldn't have been recognized as a problem then it might be now and it is possible many of these people didn't die in a malfunction but were murdered outright through hacking of the software and hardware in their cars or trucks.

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