Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The likelihood is that Killer Robots would be used to depopulate 3rd world nations

Logically, this is likely what will happen by tyrants of nations with too many people that don't use birth control to keep populations in control.

If you notice carefully, people in developed nations only have 1 to 2 children maximum because they are educated. Having few children is a financial necessity to keep people from starving unless you are very rich.

So, logically tyrants running 3rd world nations would depopulate their nations so they could amass more wealth, but they would do this secretly during the nights. A lower population and educating their people tends to create wealth for a higher number of people whereas birth control out the window and people having sometimes 16 children each couple is a way for parents to be taken care of by their children into old age.

So, you will notice developed countries with social services don't need 16 children per couple for parents to live to old age successfully. As nations develop and educated their people because there is enough wealth to do this they will likely make decisions where they are not wiped out by military drones.

However, poorer nations with no social welfare services likely will have many many people die (at random) by (night drones) blowing them up over time.

The best outcome would be people becoming wealthy enough to institute social services so people wouldn't feel it imperitive to have so many children in 3rd world nations.

However, now it is logical for them to be wiped out often by untraceable drones in the night in the future.

To me, this is the real danger of military drones, "The dehumanization of 3rd world nations all over the world". Because if and when the horror of "death by flight at night becomes real" people will tend to react like animals to this kind of horror much worse than ISIS is right now.

So, the ideal would be nations becoming wealthy enough to educate and to care for their own. The horror would be and is the opposite.

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