Monday, March 19, 2018

Advantages and disadvantages of Safari as a Browser

The first disadvantage is it is NOT a quick loading browser. For example, you might get a color wheel telling you it's trying to load for 30 seconds to a minute no matter what you are trying to do.

However, in regard to History and making your computer run faster it is alongside of Firefox in being one of the best at allowing you to delete browsing history so your computer still runs fast enough to continue to actually want to use your computer at all.

So, in the long run the disadvantage of not being the fastest loading is less of a problem than you might originally think.

Whereas Chrome is very quick loading but then you are going to be very frustrated as your computer slows and slows and slows (unless you manually every 10 clicks or so manually delete one by one your histories and any cookies you are able to.)

This is the only way I know of to keep your computer running fast enough to continue to want to use it at all.

One feature I like in Safari is just keeping on window as your history up all the time. This way any time you want to you can delete all history (once or twice a day) along with any cookies that are slowing your computer down too.

One other disadvantage I noticed with Safari is that it doesn't force words to go down to the next line when you run out of space on any line. This can be frustrating when one or two letters are on one line of a word and then the rest of the letters are on the next line.  Beyond this when I published an article just now it looked okay in the template but published a different way where the word want was wa on the first line and nt on the 2nd line which was kind of confusing too about how to correct this problem in editing.

So, as you can see Firefox Used to be an ideal browser for me to use but now with error 400 messages coming up all the time I can't blog at all while they are doing this. So, so far I have tried Chrome with some success (except for the history problem) and I have tried Safari which is mainly a color wheel spinning forever problem with the cutting words in half problem at the end of sentences.

So, as we all know life is an ongoing experiment and I'll let you know as I keep experimenting to find the best outcome as a blogger for me and my readers around the world.

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