Monday, March 19, 2018

The problem with Opioids is if you have pain and they are pain killers that can be prescribed by doctors

But, if you keep taking them you become addicted to them and then you need more and more. So, if your doctor says, "You are taking too many you have to back off!" then sometimes people don't know what to do so they begin to buy them illegally because by then they are addicted to the Opioids they are using.

What is the best way to not die on opioids?

Know what they are and how dangerous it is if you get addicted to them and Don't start taking any in the first place.

For example, lets' consider
Robitussin A-C
or Tylenol with Codeine

What if your doctor prescribes Robitussin A-C for your cough?

What happens if you have to take this for too long and become addicted to it?
Then often your doctor will say, 'Hey, you can't have any more because this is
addicting and it's dangerous!" But, you say to yourself, 'Oh my God, I've taken
this Robitussin A-C too long and I'm addicted to it. I've just got to have more 
so you find someone who will sell it to you illegally.

Or you have the same experience regarding Tylenol with Codeine.

So, you can see just how innocent all this can start.

And what if you have a naturally addictive personality and you are already an
alcoholic? Well, pretty soon you are dead from your alcoholism (bad decisions)
and your opioid addiction to Robitussin A-C or to Tylenol with Codeine.(caused
by an addictive personality) in the first place.

From my point of view the better choice is to know what the opioids all are and
just choose right off the bat to never use any of these for anything because you want to stay alive.

And this is 10 times or 100 times more true if you know you have an addictive
personality in the first place.

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