Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Found out if I click on "advanced" in History on Chrome that I can also delete all browsing history and cookies

Finally figured out that if I click on "advanced" in history in "Chrome" that I could delete all cookies and browsing history myself.

Each "History" section is pretty individualistic to some degree in how they are designed by programmers. If you don't know where "History" is usually it is up at the top. From the top left it will usually say the browsers name, then "File" then "Edit" then "View" and then "History".

No matter what browser you are in pretty much it works like this. If you are not familiar with History try clicking on it to see what you can see about it.

If you are in Chrome like I presently am if you look at the pop up and go to the bottom click on "Show Full History", now click on "Clear Browsing Data". Once you do that look at the top and it will say "Basic" or Advanced. If you click on Advanced I would recommend not checking any of the boxes past cached images and files so you don't cause yourselves problems you don't know how to fix.

But, everything above cached images and files you can delete usually without any problems (except this is also going to log you out of anything you are presently logged into online so just be aware of this).

But, it will also generally speaking make your computer run much faster so it isn't clogged with all this unwanted and unneeded information by you.

For me personally I cannot think of any situation where I will need ANY of this information ever. However, depending upon how you use your computer you might be in a different situation. But for me Browsing history and cookies just make my computer completely worthless and unusable over time so I delete everything like browsing history and cookies every day to keep my computer running faster and smoother always.

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