Tuesday, June 26, 2018

All the 5.3s have basically made most structures in Volcanoes National park unsafe

If you have ever been in a 5.0 earthquake or bigger it is pretty scary. Let me tell you about my daughter who is now 22 when she was 5 visiting my cousins in Orange County during a 5.0 earthquake.

Basically, I was keeping an eye on her floating in the pool while also watching the news at the same time. So, when the 5.0 hit I ran to my daughter so she wouldn't be slammed against the edge of the pool unconscious or dead because the water was sloshing out of the pool in all directions.

She asked me why the water was going out of the pool and I tried to sound calm to her and said, "Please swim to the middle of the pool. I need you to do this for me on your float which she did.

But, I was really scared to death this quake could get worse and kill my daughter by splitting her head open on the edge of the pool because of the force of the water. By the time the quake stopped about 1/2 of the water of the pool was gone and going everywhere.

So, if you were wondering what 5 earthquakes of this magnitude would do to structures, basically most of them would have to either be rebuilt or go through a serious retrofit, one or the other after 5- 5.3 earthquakes.

One, most well built structures could handle but not 5 over a 5 day period. The first would loosen up the nails and connections between cement and wood and the 2nd through the 5th would make the structure definitely unsound for human habitation.

Then likely they would need earthquake experts from California where there are a lot of these to help retrofit or tear down these buildings and rebuild them

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