Wednesday, June 27, 2018

For European Union Readers

I never put any cookies on my site ever. However, when I quote things there might be cookies that I don't know about because I'm not even sure what a cookie would look like in HTML or compatible languages. Also, might put cookies I don't know about into the code too through their AI automatic Coders somehow. So, just know I personally never put cookies into anything I write but others might or others that I quote might.

If you are not familiar with HTML compatible languages it works like this. I use what is called "compose" here at (Blogspot). Even though I can write in HTML and did so on two other sites I prefer not to do that here because it takes 90% longer than what I do. So, for me, if I had to go through all the HTML compatible languages that I'm quoting I would likely give up my site first because it just would be too time consuming for me now at my present age. IN other words I retired 20 years ago because I had to because of a heart virus at age 50 and now I'm 70. So, I do this blog as a public service and hopefully you are also entertained by some of the same things that I am. So, basically what I'm doing is sharing what I find that I consider interesting and then sharing that with you in all the countries that Google goes to.

Have a Great Day!

IF you were wondering why I'm not writing a lot about Trump it is because I see him as only a symptom of the real problem which is the technological singularity which is robbing people of human rights all over the world in real time in some ways worse than Hitler and STalin and Mao Tse Tung robbed people of their human rights too. So, I see the whole human race at this point as serious victims of technology that they have become addicted to.

What is the solution?

Maybe a Solar Flare might be in order to rearrange our priorities a little so the human race might survive this technological singularity. People want to blame Trump but he is only a symptom of the real problem which is Social media technology stealing everyone's data and giving it to criminals and governments who harm people with that information worldwide. And this is only going to get worse the way things are going presently.

So, the real problem is not Trump at all, it is technology itself.

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