Thursday, June 28, 2018

Not swimming where a volcano is going into the ocean sounds like a good idea to me

I know Hawaii is really really exotic in many ways. Friends have been bragging about swimming with dolphins and some women even brag about dolphins coming on to them if you can believe that.

However, swimming where hot lava is entering the ocean doesn't sound like a good idea to me simply because I have swum in pools of water like at Mammoth Hot springs in California where I was being slightly scalded on one side of me while freezing on the other. So, my solution was to slowly turn in circle like on a rotisserie rather than just get scalded from staying still. You really don't want ANY part of you scalded. So, when people are talking about going swimming where the ground is just broken pieces of lava and Laze in in the air which can destroy your lungs and your ability to be alive or even breathe anymore. Why Yes! My point of view is "Don't do that!"

It sort of like the old joke about the man who says to the doctor. "Doctor, it hurts when I do this!"

And the doctor says "Then don't do that!"

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