Sunday, January 20, 2019

Funny segment on SNL?

The segment was a game show where Millenials are pitted against Baby Boomers who are going to steal the money that the Millenials are trying to win. So, the game is "can the millenials be quiet and not yell back at the dialog of the Baby Boomers long enough to get the money?"

However, what the laugh segment doesn't say is that the Baby Boomers who are okay financially also watched all their friends die on drugs, in relationships, in cars, in planes, skiing, rock climbing, any other crazy way to die and that these BAby Boomers have survived the worst that life could bring them.

How could young millenials compete in reality on any level with experienced Baby Boomers who have done anything imaginable already and who survived all that and watched many or most of their friends die already?

Until Millenials have already survived ANYTHING IMAGINABLE already there is no way to compete realistically with survivors who have ALREADY SURVIVED unimaginable things to Millenials already.

This is just life the way it really is these days.

Maybe it ALWAYS was this way down through history too.

Do you have the guts to stay alive for the best parts or not? Maybe this might be the only useful question here. Can you watch most of your friends and relatives die to live as long as the Baby Boomers already have?

So, one day you might be  rich or well off like some of the baby boomers too?

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