Sunday, January 20, 2019

How did Putin become the Hero of Rightest Christians around the world?

It's very strange but Putin's stance on anything Gay (including beating to death Gay people in Russia if they are discovered) likely is the biggest cause of the alliance between Putin (an avowed Russian Orthodox Christian) (even though I don't really believe that) and the Christian Rightests of the world.

So, whether people consider themselves to be Neo Nazis or just extreme rightest Christians there is this "Unspoken alliance" between Putin as the "HEAD?" of the extreme rightest anti-Gay movement worldwide.

I think it's important not to underestimate how many people are like this worldwide who really really do not like all the Gay or LGBTQ community worldwide and who wish they would either all go die or go underground.

But, to me, since Putin was a KGB Colonel in EAST GERMANY before the Berlin Wall fell I see his Machievellian ways (Saying one thing but doing another) terrifying on the world scene because of this right now.

Because if people support these religious beliefs OVER Democracy, Human rights and justice for everyone, then we have a REALLY serious problem worldwide at this point which could even destroy western Democracy and cause nations like China to prevail.

Though Russia through Putin is the biggest physical threat to the U.S. right now, on a real level China is the real threat because of it's economic power in the long run.

Another power country is India which is becoming a real power on many different levels as well. So, the two biggest powers in Asia at least now and into the coming future are China and India long term.

So, if Europe and the U.S. and Canada and Australia and New Zealand and other countries don't get their economic act together China will be and likely is the biggest threat to the U.S. and Europe long term.

But, in the short run Putin is the biggest threat to the U.S.

Why is Russia only a Short Term Threat?

Because it will only be a threat as long as Putin is alive from my present point of view.


Because Putin exists like China in a completely corrupt culture but when he is gone likely people will be fighting to replace him for years because of the way he has consolidated power to himself only.

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