Thursday, January 17, 2019

How do we survive this century?

As an intuitive when I look forward in time what we are least prepared for are raising ocean levels and over 100 mph winds.

For example, every time I go to Hawaii (usually every year or two now) I notice how much higher the ocean levels are each time I go (because I stay often right on the shore) so I can see how much higher the high tides come each time I go. So, I notice for example, how high tides might bring the waters at high tide into bushes that it didn't the previous time.

(by the way it's raining heavily here right now on the SF Greater Bay area) but I think we are on the ending trailing edge of the storm now. The worst is over I think (at least for this storm) This is the biggest storm I can remember in 3 to 5 years with sustained winds here of 24 to 40 mph and gusts likely 60 to 80 miles per hour. I'm really glad I put the outdoor chairs off my rear deck and into our yard because at least half of them have blown over. One of those I had wedged next to an outdoor table blew around the deck until I moved it down into the yard with the others. The deck is a mess of stuff out of nearby trees still though like small branches and leaves and debris.

So, back to the winds. The increasing winds caused by rising heat being trapped in the oceans which it appears is 60% more per year now than scientists originally thought it was means we are even less prepared for what is coming than scientists previously thought.

It isn't the heat trapped in the air that is a problem it is the heat trapped in the ocean. Air tends to dissipate heat much faster and the same with lands. So, the real danger here is that the oceans are like a "HEAT STORAGE FACILITY" especially after they turn from ice to water because the blue or green water is so close to black which absorbs the most heat from the sun and atmosphere.

So,  we aren't worried long term about heat or cold in air on lands because that all changes. We are worried about heat stored in oceans which are like a heat storage container where it doesn't dissipate into the air much unless it is evaporating into clouds and eventually rain.

So, as the oceans heat up it makes more evaporation and much more rain. But, this rain might not be helpful at all because it will be extreme. This in turn creates extreme rainfall and extreme droughts around the world because the rain no longer is everywhere as much but in specific places because the changes all cause this.

Learning to understand these changing weather patterns caused by extreme heat trapped in oceans is the difference between life and death for all life on this planet during this century and beyond.

Good luck with your research because learning this will be the difference between whether your children and grandchildren live or die in the coming centuries just on a weather level.

by God's Grace

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