Monday, January 7, 2019

What is it like to have God living inside your body all the time?

I liken it to being a finger or electrode of God here upon the earth 24 hours a day. After God trains you to be what he wants you find yourself sort of like an electrical time and space changer 24 hours a day. If you survive it to adulthood you become fearless and this sometimes scares or terrifies others when they realize you are not afraid. So, sometimes you might have to pretend you are afraid so they don't freak out like one would try to comfort little children. It's very different than what I experienced before I was 15. However, much more is demanded of me than most human beings too. So, I have to be very disciplined in what I think and do most of the time because everything I think or feel affects the people around me a lot. So, finding ways to stay centered is really really important other wise people around me could die if I get too off. This is what I realize is the single most important thing for me to do is to stay centered no matter what happens around me.

So, if you invite God into your lives you might not realize what you are actually going to have happen to you. This isn't something theoretical at all. It is physical, it is emotional. It is spiritual in the extreme. Time and space changes around you because that's what God wants. You become aware of things about people on the other side of the planet even, if God wants you to know something. This isn't for the faint of heart. You must be very brave or you will die if You invite God to live within your body like I did at age 15. You become one of God's secret Angels on earth when you do this. Are you ready for that? Choose carefully.

By God's Grace

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