Wednesday, January 2, 2019

With the United Nations we sought to end world wars

Though it's also true with the League of nations we tried too but only created the 2nd world war by so doing. It wasn't until the United Nations that the world got it right. By this means we have avoided a bloody world war (except for the Cold War) which seems still to be going on as a cyber war now.

But, a big war of bombs where all or most nations are involved with 100 million people dying we have now avoided for 73 years so far.

But, Trump is destroying all this with his "America First" ways. The end result of his policies could very well be: All nations attacking the U.S. for creating the worst Great Depression ever through his "Trade Wars" right now.

This is the greatest danger I presently see for mankind is Trump taking us into the next Great depression with 1/2 of the world's populations starving to death through it during the next 10 to 15 years time. Americans generally speaking might be relatively okay for a variety of reasons. But, poor nations might lose 80% or 90% to starvation because of what could come next because of Trump's policies worldwide.

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