Saturday, July 20, 2019

1969 catapulted me into becoming a full Intuitive over time

The craziness of 1969 (including the first man on the moon) changed everything here on earth somehow into something different than it had ever been before. It opened doors that hadn't existed before. Things like computer chips and Ram and magnetic storage devices all came directly and indirectly from the mission to the moon set out by President Kennedy. People have never been the same here on earth since then because it was an accomplishment all mankind were proud of in a way that was new for all people on earth then.

But, it also catapulted me forward in that I met many Christian and other types of living masters that taught me more about becoming fully enlightened as a being here on earth. By 1985 I had met many Tibetan lamas and I noticed the Dharma wheel changed both time and space giving people better lives and preventing their untimely deaths often. As an intuitive I watched the Dharma wheel turn saving lives, especially of potentially enlightened beings especially children around the world. As I have become more and more enlightened on the way in helping all living beings in the past, present and future of the universe I too find that all the masters that I have met with lineage still empower everyone I pass by often for miles or hundreds of miles or thousands of miles in every direction.

This is the old way that enlightens basically everyone open to it on earth. It has been this way for hundreds of thousands of years or maybe even millions of years so far.

By God's Grace

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