Saturday, July 13, 2019

A day of shopping in Los Angeles, 1960.

begin quote from:
Uncategorized | June 13, 2019

A day of shopping in Los Angeles, 1960. (Photograph by Allan Grant. Colorized by Kostas Fiev.) 

Source: Pinterest
Life in Los Angeles in the 1960s was a halcyon moment full of fun in the sun and days spent walking up and down the Sunset Strip in search of a good deal and a good time. At the time LA was experiencing a boom that was unprecedented for the era. The Dodgers had just moved to the city in 1958, and the town was growing at a remarkable pace, the city was a tree waiting to be picked.

It’s clear that some things never change in spite of the era. The sun is still a harsh mistress in Southern California, and friends are always going to have a great time on long, summer walks throughout the city. The only real question is where does someone find those shorts? They’re so groovy. 

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