Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Beings from unknown matter don't have to live in Time and Space

Beings from unknown matter don't have to live in time and space and don't usually. What I find interesting about enlightenment is that it emphasizes two things: Being and kindness to all beings.

From my point of view BEING is paramount because time and space is both temporal (which means temporary) whereas BEING is permanent. Space is temporal too.

So, emphasizing Being and Kindness is therefore the key to enlightenment. Why?

Because worrying about time and space isn't really useful in the end. Our beings our souls are immortal so we need to have the self respect of an immortal being and not be scared by the temporariness of time and space. It's true the bodies we live in are not permanent but our souls are permanent so out of self respect of our immortal souls we should be kind to ourselves and all beings, understanding that we are not temporary beings, even though our bodies might be temporary we are not.

So, enlightenment is important for the integrity of the soul. To get caught up in time and space only creates bad karma for people. So, because of this time and space are not important only "Being and kindness". When you see someone like this you know they are enlightened to a greater or  lesser degree because of their kindness and their Beingness.

By God's Grace

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