Saturday, July 20, 2019


What do I mean by this statement?

It means if you take sex so seriously that you cannot enjoy it and if you cannot enjoy sex it ruins your life!

And when I say you need to be able to laugh about sex it doesn't necessarily mean laughing at others having sex it means at the very least you have to be able to laugh about yourself having sex.

Sex is completely ridiculous when you think about it. It's sort of like watching a completely starving man or woman eat food. They are ravenous! But, if you don't get food (sex can be like food to starving people), it makes people crazy and sometimes suicidal and sometimes they die.

So, being able to laugh about sex is necessary to your survival as a human being in order to be healthy. The worst thing that happens to people is that they take sex so seriously that it completely destroys their lives.

So, sex is like food from my point of view. If you don't get enough you die. But, if you cannot laugh about sex it will also destroy you too. The best sex is with someone who finds the whole thing ridiculous too that loves you. Then you can laugh together the rest of your lives enjoying life together!

Often love and sex cannot usefully be separated from each other. And because of this it also makes life ridiculous often. But, as a young person all this is deadly serious often and often people self destruct or kill others because they cannot deal with all this.

But, sex and love are also ridiculous too. And hopefully by your 30s and 40s you can all see this. People die without love or sex or they go insane sometimes too. But, unless you can laugh about all this you might die too before your time.

This is the paradox of life here in a nutshell and one of the keys to enlightenment. If you cannot laugh about love and sex it might kill you. How funny and crazy is that?

Love and Sex is the key to life itself but also the key to death and insanity. IF you cannot laugh you go insane and you die. How funny is that?

Laughter is the best medicine.

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