Monday, July 22, 2019

Medicare for all will not work in the U.S.


It would be like building a plane that had the capacity for 10,000 passengers that had no airport other than the ocean to land in. I suppose if you made it a seaplane and there were no storms where it was going to take off from that might be okay but whenever it took off it likely would generate 20 to 50 foot waves on shore unless you took off straight out to sea and the same when it landed but you couldn't land anywhere but on the oceans on earth. But it still couldn't serve anyone but the Pacific coast, the great lakes, and the East Coast and Florida and the gulf states oceans.

Medicare for all never has worked usefully for a nation as big as this one because it is just too unwieldy. Maybe if each state did it's own version maybe just maybe but one program just isn't going to work over 60 to 80 million people which is the size or smaller of the populations of England, France, South Korea and other places where they have this sort of thing "sort of"working. But, if you take away private insurance from people who want that it isn't going to work at all for anyone. So, it just isn't a practical thing to do Most people already understand this except the young in college and younger who haven't gotten married and had kids yet and gotten practical in order to survive.

So, when people over 30 or 40 talk about this you have to know they are lying to people because financially and because of unwieldiness it just cannot work for anyone properly.

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