Monday, July 22, 2019

My father, Grandfather and Uncle were all Electrical Contractors

What this did to me is it trained me to think like an engineer or builder in my life. To get my father's attention so I would have things to talk to him about I read Popular Mechanics, Popular Science and things like this from the time I was 5 so I could talk to him about new inventions on the horizon like planes, cars and space ships from about 1953 when I was 5 years old onward.

From that point I learned how literally all things electrical worked and how all engines of any kind worked and how all nuclear weapons worked because this is what boys were supposed to know in the 1950s and 1960s when we all expected to die of nukes or war in the 1950s and 1960s. Because so many of us were supposed to die in nukes we all were charged with learning about all this stuff so every technology didn't disappear from the earth when we all died. So some of us could carry this knowledge forward no matter what happened to most of us.

So, I still know how all mechanical and electrical things work including computers, electric motors, batteries, Internal combustion engines both diesel and gas etc. I understand how planes work both their engines and how lift works on wings and how fuselages are Faraday cages that usually protect the people inside somewhat from lightning strikes and how cars and trucks are also faraday cages that often keep the passengers alive during lightning strikes too (as long as people don't have a foot or hand touching the actual ground when the strike occurs.

However, I haven't studied much about Quantum computers but I do understand some of the theory behind how they work.

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