Friday, July 12, 2019

Pole Climbing class for telephone electricians 1918

These students from the Army Training Corps at the University of Michigan are learning how to climb telephone poles, which isn’t really a life skill that many people think about but it makes sense that there would be a class for something as important as climbing phone poles.

These students were learning how to climb poles and repair phone lines at the tail end of World War I, a time when it was important for people to be knowledgeable about setting up phone lines as well as making sure methods of communication could stay open. How long do you think these students were posing? 
end quote from:

I never got very good with a belt and gaffs myself. It was hard to climb poles without gaffing yourself in your other leg and drawing blood I found. Also, I found that going up was fairly easy but coming down was another matter entirely. But, I also saw some men eventually could literally run up and down the poles with enough experience with belt and gaffs attached to their boots that are like tree climbing spurs that poke just to the left of your instep on your boots. It's all in the end about co-ordination and experience and not being afraid of heights. But, climbing trees might help with being comfortable on a pole of some kind where you can put on a belt and gaffs (spurs) to climb a tree or a pole.
Also, the kind of tree or pole you climb is very important.  In other
words you really have to know what you are doing to stay alive while doing this.

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