Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The problem with UFO stuff is that it can get quite culty

For example, one of the UFO Cults I'm told believes that nazi Soldiers from World war II are in hibernation under Mt. Shasta. (That's really out there). Could this be true? I suppose literally anything could be true but pragmatically I would say it would be at a 1% probability or less as far as I'm concerned. However, I have seen things in this lifetime that I wish were not true too. But, that is another story.(Is Trump a UFO invasion here on earth for example?) Or is he just another misogynist sort of like Putin right out of the 1800s? (or are both true?) HAHA.

Are UFO's real? This is up there at about 99% probability whether you have seen actual stuff or not simply because how many of you believe that it is possible that no other intelligent life exists in this galaxy or any other with literally millions of  stars (I stand corrected) just in this galaxy alone there is a minimum of 100 billion stars.

Okay. What is the probability that no other intelligent life exists in this galaxy?

Yes. That's right. That probability is likely somewhere around zero.

So, that's maybe a good place to start with all this.

But, if you have had personal UFO experiences then NO ONE is going to be able to convince you of something else happening. This is true too.

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