Thursday, July 18, 2019

There are three groups that are the most talked about by UFO experiencers

The most widely known are the greys who were genetically designed to fly in saucers like the one the U.S. military found at Roswell. They brought it down by putting radar in some form on it. So, they didn't shoot it down but instead were just tracking it and the radar beams seem to interfere with it's ability to stay aloft. It is true that our technology is the opposite type of technology to anti-gravity time travel space travel so I could see why this would be the case.

Since a UFO Saucer that can travel time has more in common with the Ark of the Covenant Technology than what we presently use here on earth this makes complete sense. Because a saucer runs directly on the magnetic fields of Earth and it's connections with the sun. It doesn't have a power source other than the Earth and the sun which is why they only use saucers usually within a solar system where this works. Otherwise for between solar system they need a mother ship with different kinds of propulsion.

Our electrical technology here on earth ONLY makes sense if you want to charge people money for electricity because alien technology recognizes that all power of this kind is free and available to all for use so it is built with a different philosophy in mind.

The next group are called the Nordics because they are tall usually with blonde hair and blue eyes which is another group of aliens that often visit earth.

The third group is Reptillians who people tend to be the most afraid of for some reason. They are said to have made some kind of deal with Hitler in return for Anti-Gravity devices which (if you believe this) is connected to sending World war II Submarines into space using these anti-gravity devices.

If you logically think about it from an engineering point of view, a submarine is perfectly built for space travel if you get over the weight factor. So, if the weight factor could be overcome with anti-gravity technology then a submarine could be perfect for space travel even in the 1930s and 1940s.

So, I suppose it could be possible that there are planets colonized by Hitler and the Reptillians through the use of German U-Boats (this might be theoretically possible). Because if you can overcome the shear weight of a submarine and keep it from collapsing while being moved out of the atmosphere then it could be a transport device through space (even though it is very very heavy to move that much weight even through space.) But, you have an airtight vehicle that might not come apart in space too.

However, I'm not a submarine engineer and I wonder about something built for extreme pressure against the hull not having any pressure at all against that hull and what happens then?

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