Monday, October 14, 2019

I must have always had protection that came from angels in my life

I know my father and mother and her mother all invoked Angels always into my life. I remember having Chicken pox and Mom and Nana (her mother) were praying for me in the next room and the whole room turned Gold and Jesus came and healed me. I  knew it was because they were praying for me but it had an interesting effect on me where I liked being sick so Jesus would come and heal me so later on I often wanted to stay home from school and be sick so Jesus would come and visit me and heal me again because I liked the Golden Healing light of Jesus always. Experiencing being healed by Jesus and his angels was so very very deep and all encompassing that I wanted to live there with them always in that "Embrace of the Angels" with Jesus. These experiences that I remember since about age 2 with whooping cough changed the trajectory of my life forever towards  living with Jesus and his Angels always. 

By God's Grace

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