Monday, October 14, 2019

I think it might be important to expect power utilities to shut down in 1st world countries more now

especially during high winds and dryness. The dryness in California was as low as about 8% humidity in some areas which is deadly during a high wind like a Santana that we get off the deserts this time of year. Also, the last big rains we got in California were in  May which was a record for how late the rains were still coming. However, now we seem to be getting dryness and no rain so far this fall which means if we get the big winds there can be deadly fires especially in places like the Los Angeles Basin when winds blow off the deserts.

Remember, most of southern California is a desert from the Colorado river to Palm Springs and almost to Beaumont it's desert. And also, Lancaster East and south is also a desert all the way to Utah pretty much as well and it also extends north to Tehachapi mountains and over towards Red Rock canyon, Death Valley and up old 395 towards Bishop and also, most of Nevada is a desert too and Also most of Arizona and New Mexico as well.

So, there is only this strip in Southern California that goes north from San Diego to about San Luis Obsipo that is not actually a desert and then the San joaquin Valley and the Sacramento Valley are farmland. So, you see most of southern California except for San diego to Santa Barbara and Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo is actually a desert in the first place. So, hot winds this time of year off deserts from Utah and Nevada and California are what cause a lot of these fires during this dry time of the year as they usually blow out to sea from the deserts and we call these winds usually Santanas.

So, if you live in a home you own or rent it might be a good idea to buy yourself a gas or diesel generator so you don't lose all the food in your refrigerators or freezers the next time a big wind hits your area and the power is shut down. It could save you a lot of money to have one if you have power outages regularly like we do from 2 to 8 days a year in the winters from trees blowing down from winds off the ocean that blow down power lines especially in the winters. Another idea would be to buy a Tesla Battery that can run your home for a period without electricity but a Generator might be more cost effective if the power outage lasts very long.

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