Sunday, October 20, 2019

Is Trump taking emoluments from foreign powers? Likely Yes.

But, here's the thing. Do we want Trump to destroy the presidency for all future presidents?

What I mean by this is "IS it more important to send Trump to jail for emoluments violations or is it more important to prosecute him after he leaves office for Treason for what he did in Ukraine and other places?"

I'm thinking if the country is going to throw the book at Trump that they also need to think about what this is going to do to all future presidents as well. Up until now we have been able to protect the presidency from really corrupt and fully immoral or Amoral people like Trump. That is up until now.

Even if presidents were corrupt at one level or another they didn't talk about it in the open like Trump does every single day so he is trying to get us used to the idea that if he does something it cannot be illegal because he is telling you about it.

But, it's sort of like a house guest coming into your home and raping your daughter every single night and then telling you about it every morning as you are fixing them breakfast. If your daughter doesn't mind (even if she is 14 or 15) and you don't care this might go on and on like we are dealing with Trump now.

So, just because a criminal like Trump tells you he is doing something sort of like a Drug Lord would doesn't mean you should put up with it.

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