Monday, October 21, 2019

What is the most important thing for people to know about UFOs here on earth?

I have had over 50 years now since I turned 21 to think about this question and I think what is actually important is being open minded enough to know you likely are going to have to deal with some UFO stuff at some point in your lives. So, being somewhat prepared for that like you might have to (if you are camping in Yellowstone) be prepared to possibly see a Bear or a moose or an Elk might be important. For example, I have seen all these animals up close and personal and I remember being camped out in the moon light walking by a moose with a what seemed like a 10 foot wide rack of horns. IF you have never been standing next to a moose they are gigantic in comparison to a human being. I stood next to a young teenage moose walking by me close and I'm 6 foot 5 inches tall and the top of my head only came up to the shoulder of this young moose. So, you can imagine just how big these things get. And I've also seen Grizzly bears up close but the one I saw was eating flowers in Yellowstone and I watched a ranger arrest someone who went too close to the Grizzly while he was eating flowers in a meadow.

But, the animals that maims and kills the most people in the U.S. is actually buffalo. First they knock you down and then flatten your head and chest with their front hooves. They are not like Bulls and cattle at all, they are completely wild and have defended their herds from grizzlies and wolves and everything else successfully for thousands of years.

So, the same is true of UFOs visiting this planet from other planets, star systems or other dimensions or times.

And to some of them we would be as humans sort of like the buffalo or Grizzlies or moose to them in development from their points of view.

So, understanding that UFOS are definitely here and have been coming here since before earth had an atmosphere might be the single most important thing you need to know about them. And it might be important to know that humans of earth are at least 50% or more aliens from other worlds genetically ourselves, so we are related to many UFO visitors that come here on vacation as well.

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