Friday, November 29, 2019

Sanctions might be collapsing Iran and Iraq governments

I think it might be important for people to realize that the sanctions by the U.S. against Iran are likely collapsing the Iranian and Iraqi governments right now. This may or may not be good for the people short term and long term. So, I think more thought should be going into all this from our government because people are dying now a lot in Iran and Iraq and there could easily be a full blown revolution by the people in Iran and Iraq very soon the way all this is presently going.

And it is possible that the trade war also could be damaging the Chinese government too and that people are dying there too because of the trade war also. So, I think people should spend time thinking about whether what they are doing in the trade war and sanctions is actually accomplishing what they intended or whether it could all result in just more deaths in Iraq, Iran and China. Because these sorts of things often eventually tend to spin off into wars that American Soldiers will need to fight in the future.

So, I hope people are thoughtful enough not to just be creating accidentally World War III right now here in the Trump government that millions of American soldiers might die in future wars
unnecessarily from present unthoughtful actions and sanctions.

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