Friday, December 20, 2019

The Impasse between the House and the Senate

We are now in a sort of "No man's land" because of the Constitutional issues here. On the one hand Pelosi in the House doesn't want McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate to almost literally "shit all over their articles of Impeachment" which is what they plan (at least McConnell and Graham do so far) because they have already decided to vote for the president and will not be actual jurors like they are going to have to swear to be here in the trial (if it ever happens) in the Senate.

On one hand the president might not legally at least be impeached until the House delivers the articles of impeachment to the Senate and begins prosecution there.

However, the way McConnell and Graham are talking they aren't really going to have a trial because they don't want to even if the articles of impeachment are delivered to the senate.

On top of all this McConnell doesn't want to have the articles of impeachment delivered in the first place, he says.

Then there is Trump who thinks he is somehow going to clear his name in the Senate "which absolutely is not going to happen because neither the Democrats or Republicans can get re-elected if Trump tries to do that because 71% of the American people want Trump's aids to testify at any Senate Trial in the first place.

So, what is actually going to happen?

No one knows really at this point in the House or the Senate and the most likely thing is Trump is just going to do more crazy apeshit things like before. I just hope he doesn't declare war on Iran or North Korea.

The level of Sanctions Trump has put on Iran and North Korea might make either or both of them go to war with the U.S. the way all this is going now. Most American people don't understand this one fact about all this.

So, if you don't want your young men or women to die fighting either Iran or North Korea you should look into how sanctions are destroying Iran and North Korea's ability to function as nations.

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