Thursday, January 2, 2020

If you are serious about wind power and want animals to live:

Then likely the way to do this is to enclose large windmills with screening so if a bird flies into the screening it has some hope of staying alive. This way the air can go through the screening and still run the blades on the windmill and still birds of all sizes have some hope of surviving that windmill generating electricity.

I'm not really sure how to solve the problem of road kill of animals, even though raised roadbeds where animals can at least go underneath to feed and to migrate might work. But, saving birds from hitting windshields while cars and trucks drive I'm not sure how that could be accomplished realistically unless people traveled through tubes underground like Tesla imagines or in Subways.

The slightly less visible issue of insects dying on windshields especially during the spring and summer months is also an issue because these insects are what many birds feed on and with too many of them gone (the insects) those bird species will slowly dwindle along with the insects until those bird species are no more worldwide.

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