Friday, January 3, 2020

Trump will do what Hitler did if he stays in office another term

What I mean by this is human rights one by one will be stripped from Americans either by Trump directly or by an extremely conservative Supreme Court and court system. So, the right to an abortion likely will be the first to go which will change how women function and get educated. However, the other side of this is more women now graduate from college than men do now. I think it is something like a 60%  to 40% ratio between women and men who actually graduate from college. 60% for women and 40% for men. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

I think it's both because around the world when women gain wealth they use it wiser than men in that they lift their families and children and grandchildren up more than men do. On the other hand it is demoralizing for men to hear this and many will give up or commit suicide because of all this too feeling their place on earth is gone unless they become fighters and become more violent as police or soldiers worldwide.

I see all this as the way progress always works where we are going 2 steps forward and one step back. We went 2 steps forward since about 1960 when the birth control pill became legal (at least for women) and now we are going 1 step back under Trump. But, if he actually serves a 2nd term our democracy is likely over for good and America will become a dictatorship or a kingship with Trump's family as the king and princesses. This is pretty obvious by the way things are going now.

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