Wednesday, April 1, 2020

205,246 people tested positive so far in U.S. for coronavirus

California at over 8000 cases and Washington at over 5000 cases likely show how important it is to put Shelter in place orders in place within all states.

The longer some states wait to shelter in place the longer all states likely are going to have to stay sheltered in place. So, the selfishness of states not sheltering in place are harming the whole nation physically and economically by not sheltering in place right now.

When you compare Washington and California to states like New York  with 83,712 cases you see how important it is to shelter in place early.

But, I'm thinking New York is the most dependent on public transportation like Subways and buses and taxis so I'm thinking this is the main reason New York City has exploded in Coronavirus cases.

So, if you travel don't use public transportation nationwide or worldwide unless you want to get coronavirus. If you have your own car or truck or motorcycle or bicycle or motorcycle this will protect you from coronavirus more. But, if you are riding a motorcycle or bicycle be very conscious of safety because just driving around in my wife's and my car and truck I notice that people are not in their bodies right so don't trust any drivers these days because they are all in shock and PTSD and all sorts of problems they are dealing with.

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