Monday, April 13, 2020

Meat could get very very expensive now with Meat plants shutting down from Coronavirus

It might be a good time to learn how to be a vegetarian during these times at least in regard to protein.

I was raised a vegetarian if you cannot get meat if you are a meat eater.

Here are some good things to know.

1. If you are for example a Lacto Ovo vegetarian (which means you eat milk products and eggs) it generally will increase your healthy lifespan.

2. The single most important thing to know is you have to get enough protein when you are any kind of person.

3. A Person CAN live on just Baked Potatoes (BUT) they have to be organic because in order to live on them you have to eat the Skin too. The skin has the most food value.  Inorganic potatoes absorb insecticides and herbicides into the skin and meat of the potato and could make you sick if you get too much of them. So, living on baked potatoes along in an emergency is possible but only healthy if they are organic baked potatoes that you also eat the skin to stay alive.

4. There is another thing you can live on but it isn't very pleasant because if you ONLY eat coconuts they give you the runs. However, you have to eat them at all stages if you are somewhere they grow like on an island somewhere. You have to eat them when they are mostly water and at all stages of development but you CAN survive on them in an emergency but only when you live around them to harvest them at all stages.

4. So, Organic baked potatoes often are the basis of a vegetarian diet of those people that stay healthy on this kind of diet.

5. Nuts of all kinds are a good source of protein but you only should have a small handful of them at a time because they can be constipating if you get too many at one sitting.

6.Almonds and Cashews and hazel nuts and the rest are a good source of protein as long as you don't binge too much on them.

7. It's important even if you have to grow your own veggies in your own yards this year to have enough live food to eat like fruit and nuts and veggies and tomatoes and corn and peas and the like. I have a friend who grows 70% of his food from now to October or November on his 2 1/2 acres of land and is still a vegetarian and healthy and only medicine he takes at 68 is Sublingual B-12s.

8. So, the point is you don't have to eat meat to be alive and in fact you likely will live longer if you live without meats like Pork and Steaks and the like because they both can clog your arteries and veins and shorten your lives.

9. So, if you cannot get meat don't panic and learn from what I have written here.

Because: I ate NO MEAT from birth to age 32 years of age. It's true I tried hamburgers and didn't like them and tried hot dogs and liked them but I still only tried them once or so until I was 32 years old and became more of a survivalist then and realized I might need to be able to eat meat like Deer I might have to hunt for when I thought the country was going bankrupt around 1980 when I was 32 or 33 years of age and bought my own 2 1/2 acres of land to live on to grow food on and to survive on with my family 10 miles from the nearest gas station or electrical power lines or land line telephones.

As you know the country did not go bankrupt from the Viet Nam war like many of us thought because other countries that the U.S. had helped after World War II loaned us money so they U.S. didn't go bankrupt like millions of us thought it would here in the U.S.

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