Saturday, May 23, 2020

Trump was put in office by Generals and Secret Agencies of U.S. and World


Because he was seen as the ONLY world leader who could reduce world populations enough to prevent human extinction from overpopulation between 2080 and 2090 as happened in the Hillary Clinton Administration when they went forward in time and looked.

So, by putting Trump in office his reaction to the Coronavirus in specific combined with natural disasters like dams breaking, houses blowing up from old outdated gas mains, bridges collapsing while people drive across them from rust, global Climate change, reducing funding to weather predictions, keeping people from migrating to the U.S. from around the world who have skills, etc. etc. etc. causes the deaths of about 4 billion to 7 billion people between now and 2100 AD and gives the human race a chance to figure out how to survive past 2150.

So, even though Trump was not really voted into office by the people it is a part of a world military strategy to prevent human extinction this century.

A pandemic was considered to be the most equitable way to reduce human populations drastically on earth in order to preserve human civilization to reduce the chance of terrorists killing everyone later this century in a rage caused by such suffering and overpopulation that no one had a chance at a decent life anymore on earth.

Though all the militaries and secret agencies of the world like the U.S., Russia, China, Europe might not agree on much, logically they all agree that human extinction is not in anyone's interests and so this pandemic was allowed to happen the way it is with Trump in Charge of the U.S. which would cause the greatest amount of deaths in the U.S. and the whole world from this pandemic. IF this pandemic is successful in reducing populations you are going to see more pandemics released after this one until the population is down to around 1 to 4 billion people.

So, likely this is just one of many pandemics that will be released this century because large wars cannot happen because of nuclear weapons and doomsday weapons of various kinds to reduce human population like was done before 1945 historically.

So, pandemics might be the mark on history of the human race in this century ongoing that militaries are using to reduce populations of humans down to 1 to 4 billion by 2100 AD.

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