Wednesday, May 20, 2020

We don't need a war with China just because Trump is Senile

When coronavirus happened Trump did nothing. He shut off the incoming people from China if they weren't American Citizens or green card holders but not much else. This just meant to me that Trump was losing it as in some early or late form of senility. He's not capable of helping the American people through all this right now. Most people realize this too.

So, we don't need a war to tell us that Trump is incapable of dealing with Coronavirus. We need Trump Gone so someone capable of dealing with Coronavirus is president instead.

I've said before that I presently believe we still would have lost 20,000 to 30,000 people to coronavirus even under Obama as president. But now, Almost 100,000 is because when this all happened Trump just wasn't there. And now he's taking a malaria drug that can damage his heart?

What's up with that but more evidence that Trump has completely lost it!

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